

我是英语专业的,想写关于英国足球的毕业论文 ,有没有什么推荐的书呢!


- The Football Association, “”,和 “” ;

- Green, Geoffrey (1953); The History of the Football Association; Naldrett Press, London;

- Harvey, Adrian (2005). Football, the First Hundred Years. Routledge. pp.95–99;

- Winner, David, Those Feet: A Sensual History of English Football, (Bloomsbury, 2005);

- Tyler, Martin; Soar, Phil (1987-09-21). Encyclopaedia of British Football. HarperCollinsWillow。



The Sport I like Best

Of all the sports, I like table-tennis best. I think it is not only a sport but also an art, because it is a game that needs strength and skill.

Some people think that playing table-tennis needs little strength, but I don’t think so. In playing table-tennis, we should judge the direction of the ball, and hit it back with great strength so that we can win the game. At the same time we need to pick up the ball which falls to the ground. So after one game you will be very tired if you have tried your best.

But, as a sport, I think it more like an art. In the game, you can often find the ball moving quickly, and each of the players’movements is very beautiful.

So I like the sport very much. Though I can’t play it very well, I still show great interest in it. I think playing table-tennis can build our bodies,keep us healthy and train our brains. So I like it very much.

History of Football 足球运动的历史

Football is the universal language of scores of millions of people around the world, including

countless children and teenagers. Young people play in narrow, urban alleyways. They play in refugee camps. They play in abandoned swimming pools. In car parks, war zones, on street corners--wherever there are young people, it seems there is football.

Children play football at the launch of the FIFA-UNICEF alliance at United Nations Headquarters in New York. But the sport is more than just a game. It's a positive lifestyle. It's a way to promote a peaceful approach to conflict resolution. It's a tool for wooing a young body away from the lures of drugs, unsafe sex, or violence. It's a way to help ensure that young people grow up healthy, fit and full of self-esteem.

And, what's more, it's a manifestation of the right to play that the Convention on the Rights of the Child includes as one of the fundamental rights of all children.

Hi, my name is (名字) and I’ve loved basketball ever since I was...well, I’ve liked it pretty much all my life. If it weren’t for my dad and his love for the sport, I probably never would’ve gotten into basketball, but maybe I would’ve, it's in my blood. My grandmas on both sides of the family played basketball, and my mom and dad played! So, ya, it's definitely in my blood!

I started playing rep basketball when I was eleven years old, on a boys team. I know this might sound crazy, but I actually had a lot of fun on that team. The guys were great. When I think back to playing with them, I always get a huge grin across my face, because it reminds me of all the fun I had with them. Unfortunately, since the guys moved up to major bantam this year, I wasn’t allowed to play with them anymore (they were getting too big). So, this year I'm playing on a girls rep team. It’s not that bad, but nothing can compare to the times I had on the boys team.

Even though basketball isn't the most popular sport, I couldn’t care less, and for all those basketball players out there, I love you guys!

I hope people will go out and try playing some basketball, maybe you’re not too good at it right now, but it took me a long, long time for me to get some skill into me. So, get out there and shoot some hoops!


During my secondary school years I often liked to go to the recreation room to play table tennis. Some of my classmates were very good at this game and I often tried to compete with them to improve my skill. In high school I spent many hours playing outdoor sports. I enjoyed team sports like basketball and volleyball. In my senior year I started to practice tennis. Sometimes I would find a partner to play tennis with me, but as yet I am not very good at this sport. Tennis requires great strength in the arms and legs as well as strong concentration on the game.

(三)The Sport I like Best

Of all the sports, I like table-tennis best. I think it is not only a sport but also an art, because it is a game that needs strength and skill.

Some people think that playing table-tennis needs little strength, but I don’t think so. In playing table-tennis, we should judge the direction of the ball, and hit it back with great strength so that we can win the game. At the same time we need to pick up the ball which falls to the ground. So after one game you will be very tired if you have tried your best.

But, as a sport, I think it more like an art. In the game, you can often find the ball moving quickly, and each of the players’movements is very beautiful.

So I like the sport very much. Though I can’t play it very well, I still show great interest in it. I think playing table-tennis can build our bodies,keep us healthy and train our brains. So I like it very much.

关于校园足球的英文文献 至少3000字 中英文对照 谢谢

On the Cultural Construction of university campus football

Abstract: The construction of the university campus sports culture, has been an important part of the construction of campus culture, Shenyang Normal, discusses the current problems in cultural construction of college campus football and made a number of rationalization proposals, and hope as the construction of the campus football culture to provide some thoughts.

Keywords: Campus football culture

Is a special group of mostly students, the construction of the sports culture has been an important part of campus culture construction, moral, intellectual, physical, and the United States, labor-round development of quality education advocate. Of sun movement, is to implement the program of physical exercise have facilities, the construction of the campus sports culture to the campus sports to carry out. Soccer is the most representative projects of college sports, campus football culture related to the football game, football cheerleaders, football spread, football courses on all aspects of football culture can be good to promote the development of sports culture in schools.

(1) the development of the campus football culture significance

Chinese football is at a critical moment of the anti-corruption, anti-crime, many scholars of Chinese football is pinning its hopes up in the campus football. World power in the world of campus sports as a reserve base of competitive sports, such as the NAB pick of the United States, South Korean football K-League, are from the university, high school draft pick of the campus development of football can promote students' exercise, health promotion, and so involved in the contest to promote football game, game organization, game art, game performance can contribute to the construction of the campus sports culture, to enrich the campus culture, to attract more people to enjoy the football game, so that more into football, the excellent Football Talents for our culture.

Campus football Cultural Analysis

Shenyang Normal University teachers and students for research and investigation from the aspects of the football programs, football matches, football culture, football promotion, the results are not optimistic that the current campus football there are many problems with the construction of the football culture.

2.1 Soccer Elective unreasonable

College Physical Education is the main form of student sports, football lesson is the major elective courses of Physical Education in Colleges, loved by students, but in actual course selection process, but there are some problems. Most colleges and universities in football lesson elective set not by gender to be elective, but students where the faculty's time to set up, the consequences like football lesson, students choose classes, selected classes of students do not like football class, what is more a teaching classes more than 40 people, 38 were girls, this sex ratio is not conducive to the teaching of soccer lesson. College football elective settings has become a major obstacle to the development of college football.

2.2 football facilities lack

Shenyang Normal University, the existing two football pitches for the class, the students, an artificial site, a natural grass, artificial site of most of the time for the sport of professional students use public sports students only in sports majors no class use, even if you can use two or three classes with class, more than 100 people shared a football field, soccer teaching quality can be imagined. Public sports football lesson most of the time in the natural grassland than the school, while the natural lawn grounds maintenance costs higher, usually the lack of maintenance, resulting in site quality is relatively poor, it is difficult to a football match. Greatly reduce the football interest of the students is not conducive to the universal development of the campus football.

2.3-campus football game to a lack of continuity

Shenyang Normal University Campus Football League is a lack of continuity, sometimes held once a year, sometimes once every two years. For students' personal safety reasons, the school is willing to organize a large football game. This affected the football enthusiasm of the students, the students have a great yearning for the school organize regular football game, game to show their Many colleges have to organize football league, to meet the aspirations of the football game, this form of the league there are certain security risks. Campus football game, is an important part of the campus sports culture, appreciation of the game, the input of the game, the game's fans to participate in campus sports culture can contribute to the development of a regular game and talk about the construction of the football culture.

2.4 lack of high-level football team

The construction of high-level sports team can promote the development of the campus football culture, such as the Beijing Institute of Technology football team is a student military organization of the football team, perennial war in the China Football Super League B, and achieved a proud record by the school division favorite of students, rich sports culture of the Beijing Institute of Technology, along with the Northern Polytechnic very naturally think of the North University football team, which is the advocacy role of the high level of soccer. Shenyang Normal University football, table tennis, baseball, school team regularly participates in the province, and national contests, and achieved good results, access to wide acclaim, won the honor for the school, but also the promotion of school sports and culture developments. Shenyang Normal University do not have a fixed school football team, are rarely involved in the football game between the universities, which also affects the construction of the campus football culture, reducing the school's football atmosphere.

College campus football culture construction strategy

3.1 on the existing public sports football class reform

Reform of public sports football class settings, choice of classes, set up a class the proportion of male and female students by gender, boys and girls can also be placement of teaching, which avoids the student election was not in class, but also to enable teachers to teaching, set the reform of public sports football class, more like football, soccer classes, students choose a better development of the campus football.

3.2 increase in the football facilities put into

Football venues and facilities is a prerequisite to carry out by the football schools should make use of the community can use the power of the construction of football pitches, increase investment in football facilities for soccer enthusiasts to provide a good sport, the better to carry out the football. Also the implementation of specific measures of sun sports, responded to the call to carry out the campus football.

3.3 specification Football League

Campus Football League is to promote football, the best way to build sports culture, schools should regulate the Football League, Football League has a sustainable development, the establishment of a college characteristics Football League. Can also attract some corporate sponsorship of campus football game, the establishment of a school football team on behalf of the school play, and strive for the Chinese football training out of football talent, but also can provide some help for Football Culture Communication.

4 Summary

Soccer is the universities which are more representative of sports, the construction of the campus football culture plays an important role in the construction of the campus sports culture, the development of college football and football culture there are still many problems, only fully awareness and take reasonable solution, and will promote the development of the campus football culture.



关于足球的论文 (2000字左右 最好浅显一些)


1 引言英格兰2018年和2022年世界杯申办形象大使贝克汉姆2009年12月3日在接受媒体采访时说:“足球渗透在我们的文化里,存在于我们的DNA之中。从我们降生到这世界上,足球就和我们在一起,永远不分离。”[12]


2 英国足球折射出的英国文化2.1 绅士文化绅士风度是英国民族文化的外在表现,绅士风度是英国社会各阶层在向上流社会看齐过程中,以贵族精神为基础,掺杂了各阶层的某些价值观念融合而成的。绅士的形象植根于中世纪的骑士精神[8]。在中世纪,青年男子(往往出身贵族———经济上才能支付得起成为骑士要满足的条件)要从小接受严格的训练,经过严格的程序才能成为骑士;骑士在受到召唤时要挺身而出,勇敢地为道义而战,率领、鼓励人们英勇顽强地奋战到底[18]。与骑士精神紧密联系的历史事件是长达200年的十字军东征,英国军队挥舞红底金狮的旗帜以鼓舞士气,英格兰国王理查德一世因其骁勇善战而获得“狮心理查”称号。狮子在西方文化中也成为勇气、忠诚与高贵的象征。

英格兰足协的徽章“Three Lions(三只狮子)”非常鲜明地体现了英国足球对骑士精神的继承:勇气、力量与自豪。








2.2 民族国家作为现代足球运动的发祥地,英国在国际足球联合会(以下简称“国际足联”)(FIFA)中独具一格:在国际足联中占有4个席位、可以派出四支队伍参加世界杯比赛。这既反映了英国足球在20世纪初的领军地位,也反映了英国的独特构成:由4个独立性非常强的“国家”(英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰)组成的联合体。在英语文章中,提到英国的这4个组成部分时,常常称它们为“nation”或“country”。这两个词在各种英英、英汉词典中,都是“国家”之意,与英文中称呼其他具有完整主权的国家并无二致。许多来自苏格兰的人,宁愿称自己是Scottish(苏格兰人),而不愿意被称为British(英国人)。一位美籍爱尔兰裔女士曾坚决反对说伦敦是英国的首都:“London is thecapital of England,not the capital of the UK.(伦敦是英格兰的首都,不是英国的首都)”,因为“英国只是几个国家的联盟,而不是一个真正意义上的实体。”

这种民族身份的意识强烈地反映在足球中:“Anyonebut England”(输给谁也不能输给英格兰)一直是苏格兰足球的口号[16]。1872年,英格兰与苏格兰在格拉斯哥举行的对抗赛,被称为历史上第一场“国际”足球比赛。1872—1929年间,苏格兰参加的全部比赛都是同英国的“内部国家”———英格兰、威尔士和爱尔兰之间的比赛,在全部的43场比赛中,苏格兰只输过两场(败给英格兰)。对于在经济、政治上与英格兰相比略居次要地位的苏格兰,足球成了他们实现民族骄傲与自豪感的重要方式。尽管人口相对稀少,1937年,在苏格兰国家体育馆Hampden Park进行的苏-英对抗赛吸引了149 415名观众,这一数字至今仍保持欧洲单场足球比赛最多观众的纪录[22]。


Gary Rogers和Joel Rookwood以卡迪夫城市足球俱乐部为例,分析了足球对增强威尔士意识、激发威尔士民族感情的作用。尽管卡迪夫城市俱乐部长期参加英格兰联赛,但这给了他们更多“对抗英格兰的机会”。正如一位球迷表述的:“观看城市俱乐部踢球时,我们背上插着旗子,高唱威尔士歌曲。我们是来自首府的惟一一支球队。我们喜欢做威尔士人,城市球队表达了我们的心声,给了我们表达对威尔士热爱的机会”[20]。


北爱尔兰内部的民族争端长期困扰这片面积不足1.5万平方公里的土地。北爱尔兰人口约160万,其中,60%是不列颠殖民移民后裔,他们信奉基督教新教;其余40%是爱尔兰岛的土著后裔,信奉天主教。在北爱尔兰归属问题上,前者主张留在英国,后者则坚持回归爱尔兰。长期以来,他们分而聚居,互不往来,且时常发生流血冲突。足球运动深受这种派系斗争和暴力事件的困扰。“派系斗争激烈时,社区间的球赛无法正常进行”,“对优秀运动员的评价总是要透过宗派主义这一有色眼镜”[16]。尽管处在这样一个独特的环境中,爱尔兰足球协会(Irish Football As-sociation)是国际足球联合理事会成员;爱尔兰代表队3次跻身世界杯决赛周;点球、越位等规则也是爱尔兰足球运动员对世界足球的贡献[11]。


2.3 岛国心态岛国心态(insular attitude)指的是岛屿国家因为在地域上与外界大陆隔绝,逐渐形成一种封闭排外的心态。英国对欧洲大陆的关系是岛国心态特征的典型反映。英国民众对欧盟普遍持怀疑和举棋不定的态度[19]。英国在岛国心态之外,又受着昔日辉煌的困扰:曾经的“日不落帝国”,如今甘愿沦为欧洲大家庭的普通一员吗?


早在1886年,英国国内4个地区(英格兰、爱尔兰、苏格兰和威尔士)的足协就组成了国际足球联合理事会(TheInternational Football Association Board),负责商讨和确定这项运动的规则以及其他有关足球和足协的事宜。事实上,国际足球联合理事会至今仍然存在,并且对世界足球运动规则的修改有最终的决定权。只不过从1928年起,该理事会吸收了4个国际足联成员,与英国4个内部成员国拥有同样的投票权。这标志着英国第一次正式承认,“他们的足球”成为了世界性的运动[23]。





2.4 阶级意识谈到英国社会文化特征,不可回避的是阶级意识。英国社会是阶级意识最为浓重的社会之一。人们大都比较明确自己的阶级归属:工人阶级(working class)、中产阶级(middle class)或上层阶级(upper class)。2007年,《卫报》



社会阶级的划分显著标准是家庭的经济收入,但品味和生活方式也是阶级归属的重要依据。一个汽车工厂的工人收入也许比大学教师要高,但从文化的角度,前者属于工人阶级而后者属于中产阶级。他们读不同的报纸,工人读《太阳报》(The Sun)之类的报纸———时政新闻较少,关于电视剧、王室的动态、体育类新闻较多。大学教师则读《卫报》(The Guardian)之类的报纸,这种报纸版面大,对国内、外时政新闻报道详尽,休闲版块更加关注戏剧、文学之类的高雅艺术[10]。此外,对陌生人来说,听其语音也可以基本断定一个英国人的阶级身份:工人阶级普遍带有较明显的地方口音,而中产阶级持标准的BBC语音。去英国的留学生反映,在大学校园里听懂教授的讲课很容易,但到了大街上,常常发现英国人的英语是那样怪异难懂。






3 结语英国足球也许不是最优雅华丽的,但却是最纯正最具激情的[9]。足球是英国一种特殊的文化现象,涵盖了英国社会的许多特质。英式足球的打法、风格反映了绅士文化的核心———公平竞争和骑士精神;英国国内4个民族国家的民族意识与身份深深地浸透在足球文化之中;英国各足协与国际足联的关系是其岛国心态的又一诠释;同其他运动一样,对足球的喜爱也体现了英国社会阶级差异,尽管更多的中产阶级正在加入工人阶级观赛队伍。透过足球,我们可以更好地解析英国社会与文化;对英国社会与文化的了解有助于我们进一步理解英国足球,欣赏英国足球。



















发布于 2022-07-10 14:46:07  回复
of the campus football culture, such as the Beijing Institute of Technology football team is a student military organization of the foot
发布于 2022-07-10 16:52:00  回复
otball, (Bloomsbury, 2005);- Tyler, Martin; Soar, Phil (1987-09-21). Encyclopaedia of British Fo
发布于 2022-07-11 00:32:05  回复
.2.1 Soccer Elective unreasonableCollege Physical Education is the main form of student sports, football lesson is
发布于 2022-07-10 23:33:03  回复
te quality is relatively poor, it is difficult to a football match. Greatly reduce the football interest of the students is not c
发布于 2022-07-10 19:37:19  回复


