


基于.NET的公务员考试模拟系统的设计 摘要 随着互联网的迅速的发展,基于互联网的各种应用日益受到人们的重视,基于Web的在线考试系统在这种形势下应运而生,它可以利用网络,随时随地对学生进行考试,是传统考场的延伸。 本文在基于一般在线考试系统的设计与实现技术上,结合公务员考试的特点,通过对系统的结构设计、后台设计、前端开发,构建了一个基于B/S三层结构的、以ASP.NET 2.0为开发平台和SQL Server 2000为数据库的公务员考试系统。本系统基本实现了学生在线考试、试卷生成、教师试卷评阅、管理员对用户及角色进行管理等功能。 本公务员考试系统采用的技术较为新颖,在今后的应用将会很广泛。该系统既可以用于考生平时对自己的能力进行测评,也可用于实际的考试。 关键词:在线考试系统;在线考试;试卷生成;ASP.NET 2.0;C# Design of the On-line Examination Model for Civil Servants Based on .NET Abstract With the rapid development of the Internet, people are attaching greater and greater importance to Internet-based applications. The On-line Examination System has thus come into being. With the help of the Internet, it has become an extension of the traditional examination system which can test students at any time and any place. Based on the design and implementation technology of traditional tests, and combined with the features of Civil Servant examinations, this article tries to establish an examination system based on B/S, ASP.NET 2.0 and SQL Server 2000. This system can realize the general functions of the on-line test, such as the formation of test papers, the evaluation of test papers, user management, and so on. This civil servant examination system has used many novel technologies, and will be widely used in future practice. This system may be used in self-test by students as well as in formal examinations. Key words: On-line Examination System; Formation of Test Paper; ASP.NET 2.0; C# 目录 论文总页数:27页 1引 言 1 2 相关理论技术基础 1 2.1 C#.NET 1 2.2 ASP.NET 2.0简介 2 2.3 SQL Server 2000 3 2.4 B/S模式 3 3 系统需求设计 4 3.1 用户角色需求 4 3.2 功能需求 4 3.2.1 考生 4 3.2.2 教师 4 3.2.3 管理员 5 3.3 性能需求 5 4 系统总体设计 5 4.1 系统功能描述 5 4.2 数据库设计 6 4.2.1 Exam_User数据库 6 4.2.2 Exam数据库 7 5 系统主要功能的实现 10 5.1 用户登录和注册 10 5.2 公告查看 10 5.3 在线考试模块 11 5.3.1 客观(行政能力测试)考试 13 5.3.2 主观(申论)考试 15 5.4试卷管理模块 15 5.4.1 组卷模块 15 5.4.2 试卷题目修改与删除 17 5.4.3设置考试试卷 18 5.5 试卷评阅模块 18 5.5.1 客观题(行政能力测试)评阅 18 5.5.2 主观题(申论)评阅 19 5.6 用户及角色管理 20 5.6.1 用户管理 20 5.6.2 角色管理 20 5.7 公告管理模块 21 6 系统测试 21 6.1 测试环境 21 6.2 测试结果 21 6.3系统安全性设计 21 6.3.1 密码的安全性 21 6.3.2 角色访问控制 22 6.3.3 数据库安全 22 结论22 参考文献 23 致谢24 声明25 附录26 1引 言 在信息技术高速发展的今天,网络也在改变着传统的教育方式,即使是传统的教育方式下,把平时的练习和课程结束时的考试搬到网络上也是一种趋势。在传统的考试方式下,组织一次考试要经过出题、考试、评卷等步骤,随着考试类型的增加及考试要求的提高,教师的工作量会越来越大,并且工作容易出错。同时传统的考试要受时间、地点的限制,并且用纸保存试卷容易损坏、遗失。因此在一定的程度上,传统的考试方式已经存在改革的必要。 近年来,公务员考试的热度是日益增温,各式各样的考试复习资料也越来越多。在公务员考试科目中,行政能力测试题量大,题目类型多,申论的资料量也是达到好几千字,如果人人都盲目的去买各种资料也是不可取的,同时也是一种浪费,并且大部分资料及练习题都是相同的,或者是可以重复利用的。因此,可以考虑在充分利用网络资源的条件下,开发一个公务员考试的模拟系统,可以将其放在一个Web站点上运行,使得局域网用户和Web用户都能通过浏览器访问并使用其做练习或考试。这样就可以利用网络考试系统的运作成本低、高效、灵活的突出优势,实现公务员考试的无纸化,对公务员考试所需的各种人力、物力、财力资源都是一种节约。 目前,国内外大部分的考试系统都是采用的ASP技术来作为服务器端脚本,实现与数据库和其他应用互动的Web网页。但是ASP采用的是解释执行的方式,执行效率不高;部分考试系统性能低下,同时支持的在线测试数量较少,远远达不到系统运行时的规模化效应。而且它在安全性、健壮性、可重用性等方面还有比较大的缺陷。 鉴于上述原因,本毕业设计选择采用ASP.NET 2.0技术来开发一个公务员考试模拟系统,语言采用大家都较为熟悉并较为规范的C#.NET语言,数据库选择常用的SQL Server 2000。 2 相关理论技术基础 2.1 C#.NET C#以C和C++为基础,是一种面向对象的程序设计语言,它适用于微软基于“.Net"平台的XML基础应用开发。C#组件可以成为基本的Web服务,这些服务可以被运行在任意平台上的任何应用所调用。微软宣称,C#提高了程序开发进度,减少了可能导致开发费用增加的程序设计错误,从而大大提高了程序开发速度。C#就是这样一种编程语言,它使程序员能快速地为新一代Microsoft .Net平台开发出应用程序。具体来说,微软的C#具有如下特点: 1) 高效、安全 越来越激烈的竞争要求开发人员尽量缩短开发周期,而这正是C#的设计思想。这种语言被设计来帮助开发人员减少代码量以及代码出错的机会。 2) 符合日渐成熟的Web编程标准 目前,大多数应用方案都与Web密切相关,但现有的开发工具都是在Internet和Web的雏形时期出现的,因此,它们一般不适合新的Web技术。而C#语言开发是建立在Microsoft.Net平台上,可以把组件转化成Web服务,从而被运行在任何平台上的任意应用程序所调用。另外,Web服务框架让现有的Web服务对程序员来说就像本地的C#对象,这使得程序员可以利用他们在面向对象编程方面的经验。 3) 消除编程错误 甚至专业的C++程序员也经常犯一些最简单的错误,例如,忘一记对变量进行初始化。这些最简单的疏忽经常导致不可预测的错误。而一旦程序投入使用,即使是最简单的错误也要花费很大的代价去修补。C#提供的一些新功能可消除常见的C++编程错误,例如,“垃圾收集”减轻了程序员人工管理内存的压力、C#中的变量由环境自动初始化等。 4) 支持版本封装 后续版本可以在旧版本的基础上直接开发,无须修改程序。这一特性简化了开发后续版本的过程并降低了开发升级版本的总成本。 5) 与商业逻辑相关联 大多数编程工具很难把程序代码同商业逻辑联系起来,但C#不同,它可用于任何对象的可扩展元数据。C#可以为一个工程结构定义专域属性,并把它们应用到任何类或接口中,这将确保每个类或接口都能被正确地标识成特定商业对象的一部分,有助于加强程序代码与商业逻辑的联系。 2.2 ASP.NET 2.0简介 ASP.NET 2.0大大提高了编程人员的开发效率,与ASP.NET 1.1相比,减少了70%的编码工作量。甚至在某些情况下,可以实现所谓的零编码。对开发人员来说,ASP.NET 2.0对经常使用的功能进行了封装,如用户管理、数据控件等,可以象使用标准控件一样使用这些功能。新增控件包括数据源控件、站点导航控件、登录控件,新增主题和皮肤、母版页、成员资格和角色服务等功能。 ASP.NET 2.0中,内置了许多基于提供者模型的新服务,常见的就是成员和角色服务。可以采用C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\版本号文件夹下面的Aspnet_regsql.exe工具,根据向导来创建或配置用来存储ASP.NET应用程序服务信息的SQL Server数据库。当然,也可以通过Aspnet_regsql.exe命令来安装 SQL Server 提供程序所使用的 SQL Server 数据库。ASP.NET 2.0的成员和 更多资料请参考



摘要: 网上考试系统是基于B/S模式,前台应用DreamweaverMX2004软件,后台结合ASP编程技术开发出来的。论文主要阐述一个功能比较强大的网上考试系统的后台操作过程及一些关键技术。系统考生信息主要由数据库直接输入,考试时考生输入警官证号和密码,核对正确后进入考生界面,考生界面主要有选择科目、成绩查询、考试新闻组成,关键实现了考生在选择科目后进入考试窗体,考试计时,考试时间到,系统强制考生退出,及考完后对客观题的自动评分、存档。管理员进入管理员界面,管理员界面主要由科目管理、题库管理、试卷生成、信息发布、用户管理等模块组成,管理员的新闻界面实现一般新闻和系统提示两部分,系统提示部分显示未审批的考试计划和新闻信息以及作废的操作链接。领导登陆后实现新闻标题下面多了一个系统提示部分,该部分显示未审批的考试计划或者新闻以及还未批改的主观题信息,并附有审批及批改等操作链接。通过这些功能实现了企业的低成本投入,高效率办公的宗旨。


On-line examination System Based On ASP

Abstract: On-line examination system is developed on the basis of B/S model, with DreamweaverMX2004 operating at the present view and combing ASP program backside. This thesis mainly discusses the backside operating process and key technology of a well-functioned online examination system. The information of examination-takers is directly input by database. Inputting the number and password checked by the system, the attendance can go to the examination interface. This part is composed of three models: subject choosing, result checking and examination news. The system realizes the examination timing, time-up alarming, exit enforcing and automatic judging and restoring of the objective questions after the attendance chooses the subject and enters the examination view. The management interface is composed of five models: subject management, questions management, examination-paper output, news publicizing and users management. The news interface for the manager is composed of common news and system automatic reminding which shows the unauthorized examination plan and news and abolished links. When the leader logs in, under the news headline there is system automatic reminding, which shows unauthorized examination plan and news and unchecked subjective questions, and links to the checking operation interface. By making use of these functions, the enterprise can realize low-cost but high-efficient office working.

Keywords:Active Server Pages;Browser/Server; On-line examination System

1 绪论

1.1 考试系统发展状况及前景



1.2 研究目标和意义

研究目标:利用ASP网络编程技术和SQL SERVER 2000数据库技术实现B/S模式下的网上考试,主要完成题库管理、科目设置、试卷信息设置、新闻发布、考场控制等功能,以便形成一个完整的有机统一的考试系统。


1 Introduction

1.1 Test System and the prospects for the development of

In recent years, with the popularization and application of computers, the computers have quietly entered our lives, slowly changing our way of life. Since the invention of the computer, it has the advantage of a unique interpretation of the value of its own, in order to bring more and more human convenience. With the rapid development of network technology, many foreign universities and other sectors of society have been set up distance education, through computer networks to achieve remote education and training. Now, the development of computer hardware technology has reached a fairly high level. However, distance learning software development is still in its infancy, with the deepening of the technology development, it requires better, more comprehensive software system which is applied to distance education to which software designers to make a more high design requirements. Including many aspects of distance education, such as the teaching system, answering system and examination systems. One very important aspect is the online examination system, at the same time it is also part of the most difficult to achieve. In China, although the boom in distance education has been developed, but the schools and the community are a variety of test methods using the traditional test, in this way, the organization at least one examination to go through five steps, namely, artificial questions, candidates examination, artificial marking, assessment and test results analysis. It is clear that with the ever-increasing types of test and examination requirements of increasing the workload of teachers will have bigger and bigger, and their work will be a very cumbersome and very error-prone things can be said that the traditional methods of examination already can not meet the needs of modern examinations.

With the rapid development of computer applications, web applications continue to expand, such as distance education and the emergence of virtual universities, etc., and these applications are moving into the tens of thousands of households. It is an urgent requirement to use these technologies to conduct online examinations, in order to reduce the workload of teachers and improve productivity at the same time improve the quality of the exam, so that examinations have become more civil, objective, and more to stimulate students interest in learning. For instance, many of the world's leading computer companies in hosting a variety of certification exams in this way the vast majority.

1.2 Research objectives and significance of

Study objectives: network programming using ASP technology and SQL SERVER 2000 database technology to achieve B / S mode, online exam, the main questions to complete the management of subjects setting, test message settings, press releases, site control and other functions in order to form a complete the organic unity of the examination system.

Significance: Compared to traditional methods of examination, the network test system on the one hand, the main advantage is to manage a variety of dynamic test information, as long as ready for the question bank is large enough, it can be automatically generated in accordance with the requirements of the various papers; On the other hand, examination time flexible, can be provided for any period of time to participate in the examination; other computerized exam scoring the biggest feature is fast, the system can spot the end of the examination questions are given an objective examination results, the computer scoring of the candidates to the largest sense of fairness. Network Test System has greatly improved the flexibility of teaching, in many areas now have a wide range of applications. The case of the most influential is the ETS (Educational Testing Center) organized by GRE (Graduate Record Examination USA) computerized test, which can only be a year from the original test two


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毕设 基于web的在线网上考试系统 急!!!

论文你去文库应该能搜到类似的, 因为javaweb项目框架与架构差不多, 可以多做一些参考

如果是我做这种毕设的话, 会完成如下功能


资源管理, 实现查看资源, 上传资源, 下载资源

在线考试, 可以进行考试, 心怎高考时, 修改考试, 查看考试结果

试卷管理, 能够实现试卷导入, 试卷查看, 试卷修改, 试卷删除功能

后面用bootstrap做了一些界面, 还是挺好看的



发布于 2022-09-04 06:05:52  回复
es to establish an examination system based on B/S, ASP.NET 2.0 and SQL Server 2000. This system can realize the general f
发布于 2022-09-04 04:13:15  回复
AJAX的在线考试系统的研究与实现[J]. 福建电脑, 2009,(02) . [8] 李云,杨双,张文. 一种基于Internet的在线考试系统[J]. 桂林航天工业高等


